SHSH have examined how they could contribute to thereconstruction of housing and living conditions after a natural disaster. After the tsunami of March 11, 2011, the office SHSH has reflected on the ways to contribute to the reconstruction of temporary housing as well as the rapid improvement of living conditions. Upon realisation of the catastrophe that had just affected Japan, SHSH felt very strongly towards the disaster relief considering their European and Japanese connections.
Yuriage, the village where Shizuka Hariu grew up and where her family still lives, was almost completely destroyed by the disaster. SHSH have spent almost two years on volunteeractivities and interviews with local residents, site visits, cooperation with local architects and research on the needsof people in dramatic circumstances.
As a result, SHSH proposes Invisible Needs. A positive contribution to local life encouraging cultural activities and giving a broader picture in a period of uncertainty. The office hopes to have provided a four stage sustainable solution, which nourishes the growth within the community and meets their social, physical, cultural and spiritual needs.
The exhibition shows the search for concrete actions to provide assistance to residents of disaster areas. This resulted in a number of designs: Yuriage Machi Cafe / New facility for the community centre, Seaside Festival Scenography / Mobile facilities for festivals, Seaside Tribune / Open air seats and bridges in front of the sea and Mountain Memorial Walk / Promenade with view towards Yuriage. Each facility has an event platform and stands near a safe haven, a highly safe structure that would be used in case of evacuation.
curation : Katrien Vandermarliere
production : VAi (Flemish Architecture Institute) & deSingel
place : Antwerp, Belgium
exhibitors : SHSH Shizuka Hariu & Shin Bogdan Hagiwara